Functional Crown Lengthening

What is Functional Crown Lengthening?

Functional crown lengthening is a surgical procedure that exposes more of a tooth's surface, enhancing oral health and paving the way for aesthetic dental improvements. By carefully reshaping gum and bone tissue, this procedure uncovers more of the natural tooth. It is necessary for various conditions, such as tooth decay and insufficient crown length, and can also support cosmetic dental procedures like crowns or veneers that require more tooth exposure.

Benefits of Functional Crown Lengthening

  • Enhanced Oral Health: By revealing more of the tooth's surface, cleaning becomes more effective, reducing the risk of decay and promoting long-term dental health.
  • Longevity of Natural Teeth: Addressing issues like decay or inadequate crown length helps protect and preserve your natural teeth.
  • Cosmetic Possibilities: Enabling procedures like crowns and veneers can transform your smile's aesthetics and boost your confidence.
  • Improved Dental Aesthetics: Achieve a more harmonious smile with gum contouring that enhances overall dental appearance.
  • Quick Recovery: The procedure is relatively straightforward, and recovery time is minimal for most patients.

What to Expect

Under the expert care of Jason Cellars, DDS, functional crown lengthening is performed with precision. The procedure is conducted under local anesthesia, with sedation options available for those who might feel anxious. Post-procedure care includes pain management and maintaining good oral hygiene, ensuring a smooth healing process. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to monitor your progress and ensure optimal results.

About Jason Cellars, DDS

Dr. Jason Cellars brings years of experience and a commitment to personalized dental care. Utilizing advanced technology and preventative measures, Dr. Cellars ensures every patient receives top-notch treatment tailored to their unique needs. With an emphasis on positive patient experiences and expert authority, you can trust your smile to Jason Cellars, DDS.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us today and take the first step towards a healthier, more confident smile.

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